Amalia - Why she is important Amalia is the first born daughter of the Prince Willem- Allexander and princes Maxima. Willem- Alexander is gonna became a King so Amalia afterhim a Queen. - When she lived / How old she is Amalia is only 3 years old now. She was born on 7 december 2003 with thename: Catherina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria.Those names have al another meaning: = Catherina, She was the married with Willem 2 so an old familie member. = Amalia , was also an old familie member she was married with FrederikHendrik. = Beatrix , is the name of her grandma ( the mother of Willem- Alexander) = Carmen , is also the name of her grandma (the mother of Maxima). = Victoria , it comes from the Swedish crown princess Victoria.She lives together with her parents and little sister in Villa Eikenhorstin Wassenaar. - Her familie Her father is Willem- AlexanderHer mother is MaximaShe has got a little sister called AlexiaHer grandmother is called BeatrixPrinses Maxima is again pregnant so then she has got another littlebrother or sister. Amalia her mother was born in Buenos Aires in Argentina with the nameMaxima Zorreguita. Maxima has 2 brothers,1 sister and 3-half sisters.She met Willem Alexander and than she moved to The Netherlands, leavingher familie behind. Now she is happy with her daughters and husband. Her father Willem- Alexander was the first born child of Queen Beatrix andPrince Claus. He has got 2 brothers: Prins Friso and Prince Constantijn.The full name of Willem Alexander is: Willem-Alexander Claus GeorgeFerdinand, Prince of Oranje- Nassau. Amalia her little sister was born on 26 June 2005 with the name; AlexiaJuliana Marcela Laurentien. She is the 2nd born daughter of Willem-Alexander and Maxima. The rest of the familie is: - Prince Constantijn - Princess Laurentien - Princess Margriet - Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven - Prince Maurits - Princess Marilene - Prins Bernard (Who already died) - Princess Annette made by; Pamela de Haas T2a
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